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There is a need for technology that allows for the direct interaction of physical devices with arrayed proteins, cells, and living tissues and an ability to translate biological events into digital information.
Biological entities can best be interrogated via a compatible (biological) interface. However, dialogue across the interface requires a common language. Nature uses proteins to enable this function, but proteins are difficult to immobilise in a functional way. Non-specific reactions at the interface must also be minimised, as nature does not operate through non-specific mechanisms.
Orla technology provides a unique approach to addressing these challenges. The Orla interfaces can present reproducible and precisely orientated molecules (for example enzymes, receptors, cell adhesion molecules) as single layers on surfaces by self-assembly. This provides a platform, based on scaffold proteins capable of being engineered for any requirement. The technology also enables label-free translation of binding events into digital signals, giving a flexibility in detection methods.
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